Lecturer in Microbiology
University of Derby
University of Derby
Afternoon workshop run at MMU Business School by Lori Shook of shooksvensen.com Notes: Experiential learning Brain is a social brain. Interactions controlled by positivity fear (5x more than positivity) Scarf model alternative: – be SAFE and Certain Perception “Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind” – good book to learn about innate …
Land use change in the rangelands of Botswana is affecting soil properties. Pastoralism is the only viable livelihood for many rural poor in Botswana, and privatization of communal land is reducing the area of grazing available to those without land tenure. This has elevated stocking densities in communal areas, increasing …
Students and teachers alike are concerned for the environment, but the environmental cost of fieldwork is a seldom discussed and uncomfortable irony. Following a rare discussion on the subject with colleagues during a research field trip I decided to investigate to see if we can make more informed choices when planning and …
A workshop run by Norman Jackson about self-regulated learning and how this relates to a life-wide and ecological approach to learning. Key references Eraut and Hirsh (2007) The Significance of Workplace Learning for Individuals, Groups and Organisations McWilliam (2005) Unlearning Pedagogy Redecker (2014) The Future of Learning is Lifelong, Lifewide and Open …
Concerns are mounting at the increasing loss of economically important native and introduced UK tree species to fungal diseases. Key examples are ash dieback in European ash and red band needle blight in Scots pine from the respective fungal disease causing ascomycetes, Chalara fraxinea and Dothistroma septosporum. Identification of disease …
Peatlands are under threat from land management, anthropogenic pollution and climate change. These factors are implicated in severe degradation of ombrotrophic peatlands in the Southern Pennines of northern England. Significant areas of unconsolidated bare peat are both highly vulnerable to peat erosion and resistant to natural re-vegetation. Restoration efforts during …
This is a gallery about Australian biocrusts and contains 13 images.
As a biologist, I regard teaching and learning as innate natural abilities, so I question the value of pedagogical tinkering. Should I engage deeply with the latest teaching and learning research, or should I reject it and rely on instincts, which have been through millions of years of evolutionary testing? Forget the rules, and learn from …
Royal Geographical Society Expedition Course delivered by Land Rover Experience at Eastnor over two days. Topics covered included: Off-road driving techniques using Land Rover products Introduction to four wheel drive vehicles Land Rover technology Vehicle and equipment preparation Risk assessment Care for the environment Handling obstacles Introductory off-road driving techniques including steep ascents, steep …